This important information will help you prepare for the upcoming summer training, camps, and tryouts. ALL STUDENT MUST COMPLETE A SUMMER TRAINING WAIVER FOR SUMMER TRAINING AND PRE-SEASON CAMP COMPLETE... read more →
Boulder High Soccer 2015 Highlights Boulder High Soccer 2014 Highlights Boulder High Soccer 2013 Highlights Boulder High Soccer 2012 Highlights Boulder High Soccer 2012 State Championship Game Full Broadcast Boulder... read more →
Boulder High Boys Soccer 2013 Varsity Team 5A State Semi-Finalist (only 3rd time in 33 years Boulder has reached the semi-finals, 3rd time in past 4 years), Front Range League... read more →
Daily Camera 2013 Preview of Boulder High Boys Soccer.
With effort and selfless love for your team you can create magic. Make no mistake, these young men put years and years into developing their skill and conditioning but it... read more →
Boulder High Boys Soccer Friends and Family, What a terrific game on Wednesday! #6 Boulder... read more →
With just 9 seconds left on the clock, Boulder High School Boys Soccer won it's second league title in Boulder Soccer's 32 years in the last game of the Front... read more →
Boulder High varsity is currently alone in first place in the highly competitive Front Range League with a record of 6-1. The same week Boulder beat undefeated and un-scored upon... read more →